Rabu, 20 Agustus 2008

Problematika Riau Airlines ( 2 )

Saya baca berita yang di detiknews.com dan tidak mengerti akan isi pemberitaan tersebut. Memang berdasarkan pengalaman dalam hal pemberitaan tentang penerbangan suka terjadi salah pengertian antara yang ditulis dengan yang diberitakan, hal ini terjadi biasanya teman teman dari media tidak atau kurang mengerti tentang term yang ada didunia penerbangan.

Mari kita lihat apa yang dituntut oleh Pilot RAL :

Kita memprotes kebijakan manajemen PT RAL yang memaksa pilot untuk menambah jam penerbangan dari 6 kali sehari menjadi 8 sampai 9 kali sehari. Padahal waktu 6 kali sehari ini merupakan batas maksimal untuk penerbangan kami. Kalau sampai 9 kali itu jelas melelahkan," kata Ketua Forum Komunikasi Penerbangan PT RAL, Capt. Rendra Darmakusuma dalam kepada wartawan, Selasa
(8/7/2008) di Hotel Aston, Jl Sudirman, Pekanbaru.

Tulisan diberita tersebut menyatakan keberatan para Pilot menambah "jam penerbangan" dari 6 kali sehari menjadi 8 sampai 9 kali sehari, dan dinyatakan bahwa 6 kali sehari merupakan batas maksimal untuk penerbangan para Pilot RAL. Tidak dijelaskan dalam berita tersebut berapa jam terbang
kah akibat penambahan jadwal terbang yang ditentukan Direksi tersebut karena biasanya ukuran dalam satu penerbangan ialah dengan jam terbang.

Disisi lain, berita tersebut juga menyatakan bahwa keputusan Direksi tersebut adalah berdasarkan rekomendasi dari Departemen Safety PT RAL dimana Departemen Safety ini biasanya diduduki oleh orang yang sangat mengetahui tentang safety penerbangan dan bertanggung jawab terhadap safety
diperusahaan tempat dia bekerja, kalau saya tidak salah Dept Safety ini dinamai CASO (Civil Aviation Safety Officer) (CMIIW) dan berada langsung dibawah DIRUT/President.

Saya kira RAL dalam melakukan operasi penerbangannya memiliki AOC (Air Operator Certficate) dengan mngikuti ketentuan safety seperti yang ada di CASR (Civil Aviation Safety Regulation) Part.121, pada Sub Part 481 sampai dengan 485 CASR 121 terdapat adanya ketentuan batas maksimum seorang pilot
melakukan tugasnya, agar lebih jelasnya maka saya paste ketentuan tersebut sebagai berikut :

121.481 Flight Time Limitations and Rest Requirements: Two Pilot Crews

(a) An air carrier may schedule a pilot to fly in an airplane that has a crew of two pilots for nine hours or less during any 24 consecutive hours without a rest period during these nine hours.

(b) An air carrier may not schedule a flight crewmember and a flight crewmember may not accept an assignment for flight time in air transportation or in other commercial flying if that crewmember's total flight time in all commercial flying will exceed:
(1) 1,050 hours in any calendar year;
(2) 110 hours in any calendar month;
(3) 30 hours in any 7 consecutive days;
(c) An air carrier may not schedule a flight crewmember and a flight crewmember may not accept an assignment for flight time during the 24 consecutive hours preceding the scheduled completion of any flight segment without a scheduled rest period during that 24 hours of at least 9 consecutive hours of rest for 9 hours or less of scheduled flight time.

121.483 Flight Time Limitations: Two Pilots and One Additional Flight Crewmember

(a) No flag or supplemental air carrier may schedule a pilot to fly, in an airplane that has a crew of two pilots and at least one additional flight crewmember, for a total of more than 12 hours during any 24 consecutive hours.

(b) If a pilot has flown 20 or more hours during any 48 consecutive hours or 24 or more hours during any 72 consecutive hours, he must be given at least 18 hours of rest before being assigned to any duty with the air carrier. In any case, he must be given at least 24 consecutive hours of rest
during any seven consecutive days.

(c) No pilot may fly as a flight crewmember more than:
(1) 120 hours during any 30 consecutive days;
(2) 300 hours during any 90 consecutive days; or
(3) 1
050 hours during any 12 calendar month period.

121.485 Flight Time limitations: Three or more Pilots and an Additional Flight Crew member

(a) Each air carrier shall schedule its flight hours to provide adequate rest periods on the ground for each pilot who is away from his base and who is a pilot on an airplane that has a crew of three or more pilots and an additional flight crewmember. It shall also provide adequate sleeping quarters on the airplane whenever a pilot is scheduled to fly more than 12 hours during any 24 consecutive hours.

(b) Each air carrier shall give each pilot, upon return to his base from any flight or series of flights, a rest period that is at least twice the total number of hours he flew since the last rest period at his base. During the rest period required by this paragraph, the air carrier may not require him to perform any duty for it. If the required rest period is more than seven days, that part of the rest period in excess of seven days may be given at any time before the pilot is again scheduled for flight duty on any route.

(c) No pilot may fly as a flight crew member more than:
(1) 120 hours during any 30 consecutive days;
(2) 350 hours during any 90 consecutive days; or
(3) 1,050 hours during any 12 calendar month period.

(d) If half the crewmembers flight time during any 90 consecutive days is as part of a crew composed of two pilots and one additional crewmember then that crewmember is limited to 300 hours in any 90 consecutive days.

Dari ketentuan aturan seperti yang saya sampaikan diatas, saya berharap kita dapat menilai sendiri benar atau tidaknya Direksi RAL meminta ditambahnya jadwal penerbangan RAL dan benar atau tidaknya para Pilot mengajukan keberatannya.

Semoga ini bermanfaat untuk teman teman.

Chepy R.Nasution

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